Testimonials from Parents


"Jennifer has helped take care of my two children on and off for the past seven years.  She is extremely clean, very conscientious, and treats the children like they are her own.  Jennifer is very kind yet understands the importance of teaching the children how to follow rules and be respectful.  She takes great pride in helping to create responsible little citizens and is effective at doing these by being an inspirational leader, teacher, role model, and friend to all of the children who are lucky enough to be under her care."
Andrea Bretz --Mom to Evie (8) and Clay (5)

"Jen took care of Evander for the first time when he was only five weeks old, and she was pretty much the only one we trusted to watch him the whole first year.  She has tended him periodically since then, and not only does Evander constantly BEG to go to Jen's house, but we have confidence that he is safe, enjoying incredible food, playing hard, learning social skills, and having a blast when he is over there.  We have seen Jen in action using positive guidance with super-human patience and attentiveness.  Somehow her house is perpetually clean and organized.  She is great at multi-tasking to keep everything under control while leading the best outings and creative projects.  Jen has proven her exceptional integrity and compassion.  The peace of mind in knowing that the most important thing in your lives- your children- are being well cared for in your absence, is priceless."  

-David and Karlene Fife, parents of Evander (3.5yr) and Brodric (10mo).

"Jennifer is AMAZING!  My daughter has had a severe case of Celiac since birth.  I have had Jennifer look after my daughter and her attention to detail has been nothing short of a miracle.  My daughter has been to other child care centers and has come home sick, however I have never had her come home sick from her house.  She also keeps a VERY CLEAN place which I love.  She is kind and my daughter always comes home happy from all the fun she is having.  I have also seen her in action and I love how she is big on hand washing.  I would recommend Jennifer to anyone who is looking for a reliable, kind, fun, and clean place to keep their kids.
Ursula Wilkinson -- mom to Mercedes (8)